
Timeline [Edit]

  1. Fri Jan 14, 2005 Olympus is announced; "I would anticipate instead a late-Feb/early-March release."
  2. Sat Mar 19, 2005 Long time no update...; "We are sorry for this, there have been some structural changes within the team as you might have noticed (which will be fully rolled out and advertised by the phpBB3 final release)."
  3. Mon Jul 04, 2005 Hosts banning phpBB 2.0.x "It's been brought to our attention over recent weeks that some hosts are banning or disuading the use of phpBB"
  4. Sun Mar 19, 2006 Opening the Bug Tracker
  5. Sat Jun 17, 2006 phpBB 3.0 Beta1 released "Within the beta packages we do not include several features. These are the updater and the conversion tool for converting phpBB 2.0.x (and other packages) to phpBB 3.0.x. These might be included with later Betas, but certainly with the first Release Candidate."
  6. Sun Jan 28, 2007 phpBB 3.0 Beta5 released "With this beta a full update path is provided from Beta4 to Beta5, as well as the convertor for converting phpBB 2.0.x installations to phpBB3 Beta5."
  7. Thu Dec 13, 2007 phpBB3 Gold Released "Today we begin a new chapter in the history of phpBB. After five years, over 200,000 lines of new and altered code, and many a long night phpBB Group is very proud to announce the release of phpBB3 "Olympus"."

Development FAQ [Edit]

When is phpBB 3.0 going to be released? [Edit]

We believe that our products should not be set with a release date. This means that the developers are not rushed to finish the product by a set date, or dissapoint our users by pushing said date back. Thusly, there is absolutely no release date for phpBB 3.0.0. It will be released when the product is finished. This way, you are bound to get a higher quality product.

See also: [Edit]

kaka: From 2004 to 2024
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