Karl Sharks

Karl "Hakarl" Sharks is a dinosaur slayer that carries around him a foul-smelling aroma of a rotting carcass. He is summoned whenever Raxosaur runs wild, with no manners, and spanks girls in his cave.

Earlier, Raxosaurs used to bow, but not any more.
Bowing could be replaced with cheek kisses, too.

Enok, the Leader of the United States of Enok, is also against wild-running Raxosaurs, because it's either against or with in the United States of Enok! Due to Enok's avid campaigning Karl is tailing Raxosaur's tail as we speak.

Karlian Kontrol Klub, KKK [Edit]

The KKK ensures ill-advised and bad-mannered Raxosaurs shall not be running wildly around in hotel lobbies. Recently, Karl booked Mortis to build a Pseudo-Karmic Sono-Ray Metabolizer to make this task easier.

See also: [Edit]

kaka: From 2004 to 2024
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