Kakartoon Specification

Kakartoon specification for the Kakartoon. Make your own Kakartoon template and send it to Neekeri administrator!

Kakartoon template consists of two parts:

  1. The cartoon .png-image with empty speech bubbles. Example.
  2. An .ini-textfile similiar with this example:

# kakartoon01.ini - trueskool
# (note that nicks are not drawn yet!)

background = kakartoon01.png

# Position of bottom-left of date string
datestamp = 10,780

# x,y,width,height of speech bubble
bubble1 = 133,36,154,91
# nicks are ignored for the moment...
nick1 = 0,0,10,10
# max number of characters for this bubble.
maxlength1 = 60

bubble2 = 440,83,159,58
nick2 = 0,0,10,10
maxlength2 = 50

bubble3 = 164,257,188,57
nick3 = 0,0,10,10
maxlength3 = 80

bubble4 = 443,276,123,59
nick4 = 0,0,10,10
maxlength4 = 30

bubble5 = 167,610,132,50
nick5 = 0,0,10,10
maxlength5 = 40

See also: [Edit]

External links: [Edit]

kaka: From 2004 to 2024
Pie, Version, Help