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The all-mighty, all-seeing, all-dancing '''Kaka'''!

Once there were three priests, Kakakak, [[Kakakek]] and Kakaka and their high priest Kakak. They were touched by the currents of time roused by Kaka's good will and love towards all mankind!

Kakak directed them to found their [[Spaceship Kaka|technospiritual]] home at what was once called the land of GamesNET, modern-day [[GameSurge]] to spread situational awareness (and vent out their [[GameSurge|sexual frustrations]]) and thus they did so and preached to the masses, attaining a great crowd of [[Kakaists|sisters and brothers]]!

And lo behold, the [[Leet|holy vibrations of Kaka]] can finally be felt, for the first time, in the time and space that bonds us together in every single part of the world - every hour! Praised be [[Leet]]!


One day Kaka will reveal himself to the world from an IP6 address so true and divine that all around the world will feel the ultimate love radiating from this number!

==Kaka sighting

Recently there was a Kaka sighting at #kaka but we don't think it was the real one:

![14:05] * kaka ( has joined #kaka
![14:07] <@Dorden> o hai kaka
![14:09] * kaka ( has left #kaka
![14:09] <vrap> ohio
![14:09] <vrap> kaka has left kaka
![14:09] <vrap> existential dilemma

==Did you know?

+That in the old age, you were not allowed to preach the love of Kaka freely, and the priests of Kaka would have been prosecuted under the laws of GamesNET unless they acted undercover?!?1
+That the land of Kaka has undergone several uprisingings, ruler changes and tumultuous rebellions, all the while Kakaists have led a carefree existence?
+Sometimes both Kaka and [[Kakaism]] can seem confusing entities. You may want to find out more about [[Terminalogy]] used, or have a look at Kakaist testimonials at [[Kakamonials]].

|= |><=Tenets of Kakaism|= |
|<[[Hail Kaka]]|><[[Leetism]]|>[[Anti-Leet]]|

==See also:
*[[Hail Kaka]]
*[[Kakazen]], or the Last Poem of Hoshin
*[[Kakamonials]], TESTIFY BROTHER, TESTIFY!!!!

kaka: From 2004 to 2024
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