
[15:04] <@Julmort> Rax promised to steal xmas away from baby jesus and the fat man in red
[15:04] <@Julmort> And turn it into raxmas
[15:04] <@Armand> He did
[15:04] <@Julmort> Oyea!
[15:05] <@Armand> Yes the celebrations center around a t-rex egg ready to hatch
[15:05] <@Julrax> yes yes yes
[15:05] <@Armand> Surrounded by the three wise diplodoci
[15:06] <@Armand> Fathered by the virgin Ma-Rex
[15:06] <@Armand> Or mothered
[15:06] <@Armand> No one knows because Ma-Rex ate the other party involved
[15:07] <@Armand> And tyrannousauri have no balls so it's hard to tell without getting too close
[15:08] <@Julrax> hehuhu

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