So. To boot this topic out, there's a new Mad Croc flavour coming onto the market soon. Sadly there's nothing about it on their new Finnish website so far, and the the English one is equally terrible.
In other news, I received a reply to an inquiry I had sent off to Red Bull regarding their "Cola" drink:
Moi Simo
Suomen markkinat eivät ole vielä valmiit tälle maukkaalle juomalle, mutta
kun aika on kypsä varmasti Suomikin saa osansa. Tällä hetkellä ei kuitenkaan
valitettavasti ole edes suunnitteilla lanseerata Red Bull Colaa täällä.
Energisin terveisin
It states that the Finnish marketplace is not "mature enough" for "this new tasty drink" and that there aren't even any plans at this stage to launch the drink here. How much more energy drinks do we have to drink to get this thing over here?