YouTube Tip

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YouTube Tip

Postby Mortis » Fri Apr 04, 2008 15:00

This video, Sara's new single "Laine kerrallaan (Maa oli tuolla jossain kun päivät muuttuivat vuosiksi)", autoplays and loops! In embedded videos, you can set the tags

Code: Select all


to achieve this type of behaviour. I really enjoy songs on youtube sometimes, thinking it would be awesome to get them loop automatically. Here's the key!
"...the public dissolves as fact and fiction blend, history becomes derealized by media into a happening, science takes its own models as the only accessible reality, cybernetics confronts us with the enigma of artificial intelligence, and technologies project our perceptions to the edge of the receding universe or into the ghostly interstices of matter." - Hassan, Ihab: "Toward a Concept of Postmodernism" (1987).

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