E-mail problem

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E-mail problem

Postby nobile » Tue Jul 17, 2007 18:26

Hey guys
For the last couple of weeks we've been having problems with our office's email server. We're using a linux Red Hat 5 server with Webmin installed. The configuration is pretty much the default one, we hadn't had any problems before.
Some weeks ago we noticed that every time someone using a @hotmail.com account tried sending us emails, they'd bounce back. The message that returned was something like this:
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.


--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: nin_the_noob@hotmail.com
To: rmunoz@pronto.hn
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 12:02:34 -0600


With the following attachment:
Reporting-MTA: dns;bay0-omc1-s7.bay0.hotmail.com
Received-From-MTA: dns;BAY121-W21
Arrival-Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 11:02:34 -0700

Final-Recipient: rfc822;rmunoz@pronto.hn
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 Transaction Failed (650058837:169:-2147467259)

First we thought it was perhaps that one of Hotmail's IP addresses was being blocked for spam, which we confirmed later on. Obviously, we couldn't leave it just like that, we even removed the FEATURE line that contained from which blacklist site should the webserver get the spam addresses. Now we're getting spam like crazy, yet we can't receive emails from Hotmail :p :lol: :lol:
Our webserver's behind a Fortigate 200a firewall, but it doesn't have the check for spam feature enabled ( or any other of the sort )
I don't really know what other things we could change to make it work, we can receive from any other provider except from Hotmail.
The error message it gives doesn't give me much, tried googling for it, but nothing relevant appears.

Do you know anything else that we could do to make it work?
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Re: E-mail problem

Postby Mortis » Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:15

Such a strange occurrence - you do hear about Hotmail not working, of course, but from a user perspective!

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Re: E-mail problem

Postby nobile » Mon Jul 30, 2007 06:19

Our webserver's behind a Fortigate 200a firewall, but it doesn't have the check for spam feature enabled ( or any other of the sort )

You see, since I got "demoted", i don't get access to configure the firewall, webserver, and things of teh like... which is pretty stupid since in these cases, they expect me to solve problems in those things... ¬_¬

Anyways, boss said that he had searched for those features and that they were disabled, since about 3 weeks passed and we still had the same problem, the ticked scaled up to the person that configured the firewall in the first place and he of course, said that the features were enabled and then disabled them. Like we say in my family, santo remedio, it worked.

Kind of pisses me off though, since well, I said a good amount of times that those features were enabled, or at least I remember them being enabled when the firewall was configured ( I was there when it happened ), but well, my word doesn't count much it seems... :/
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