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Copyprotection in CDs

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:19
by Mortis
Well, this was the last straw; Sure, I don't really buy copyprotected cds if I can - usually it's no hassle, I can avoid them with CDEx easily, no problem there, my players play the cds...

But today at school, I took Japan's Gentlemen Take Polaroids with me. It doesn't play here without installing additional software for WMP, and I'm unable to do so. CDEx doesn't work here. There is really no way of playing this cd here. I'm pissed having spent money on this after all. Next time I'm uploading the stuff I wanna listen here over to Slowdays >_<

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 16:33
by Mortis
Intriguing development as of lately, has it not been? :p

State of Texas suing Sony-BMG based on their new, more aggressive anti-spyware law...

Anything else you've seen after they promised to recall all of the rootkit-based CDs?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 15:08
by Smeagol
Seems they have been planning on converting music into aac