EVE Online

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EVE Online

Postby Mortis » Mon Sep 24, 2007 02:29

I thought it might be a to make a thread just to lay down some of our first impressions and thoughts about the game. As scary as it sounds, four of us have already found our way into EVE... Armand, myself, Enok and vrap. Three of us are trialling (I have 6 days out of 14 left now thanks to the trial beginning when you create your account and not when you first log in) and Armand is already a customer. I expect to follow, though, at least for a while - as is, the 20e that it costs to continue for 30 more days does not feel too imposing at all.

I will of course finish up my trial first; talking about the trial, you can download the trial as a torrent if you so wish, too.

The game itself reminds me very much about an old (single player) Macintosh game called Escape Velocity which I used to play when I was a kid, in a good way. The interface is very intuitive as the developers have realized the importance of context menus - it's as though the game had a whole operating system of its own.

After three days of playing my impression is that I am enjoying even solitary PvE quite much, as once you find the right agents it becomes very challenging, which in turn makes you feel a great sense of urgency about the combat. The situations become very evocative, and somehow the ships have a lot of character even as computer-generated enemies. Here are some excerpts:

[02:48] <@Mortis> TIME TO KICK SOME ASS
[02:48] <@Mortis> Fuck
[02:48] <@Mortis> Wrong peeps spotted me
[02:50] <@Mortis> Gotta jump :(

[02:55] <@Mortis> This Gistior Haunter is going to get it
[02:55] <@Mortis> BAD
[02:55] <@Mortis> It's going to beg for mercy
[02:57] <@Mortis> It had no time to BEG!
[02:57] <@Mortis> BITCH!


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Re: EVE Online

Postby Mortis » Tue Sep 25, 2007 00:29

I spent all day on just a few moderately hard missions (eventually blowing up both "Skin-Albert II" and "III"; Man I hated III though!) and now I'm a proud owner of a Thrasher called "Moomindooth I". I've got a really good idea of what I'll learn next, too, as there are many little things you can do to your Thrasher to make it fare better (mostly power-related issues). I'll outline my plan here tomorrow :)

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Re: EVE Online

Postby Mortis » Tue Sep 25, 2007 18:46


Today's (28th) pie, no significant changes :


:D Guys, please paste your own EVEMon pie charts!

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Re: EVE Online

Postby vrap » Wed Sep 26, 2007 17:32

i'm having the most perfect hallucination

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Re: EVE Online

Postby Enok » Fri Sep 28, 2007 07:08


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