No Rest For The Wicked, Rest For The Rest?

Philosophy, religion, social sciences, politics and exegesis und so weiter.

Killing... sometimes justified.
40% never justified.
60% alright as long as nobody finds out!
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Re: No Rest For The Wicked, Rest For The Rest?

Postby Armand » Sat Oct 18, 2008 01:59

Nickelplate wrote:I would say that the preponderance of people in this day and age would like to believe in subjective morals, situational ethics, and relative right and wrong as they make it much easier to do exactly what you want, when you want, and feel perfectly justified doing it. However, the flaw in this line of thinking is that there will always be those who do not have a sense of anyone outside themselves and if they want to kill, rape, steal, or commit any other type of victim-based crime, who upon commission of such acts will inevitable be negatively affecting the lives of others who had no choice in their part of the situation.

Yes, it does make it much easier for people to do exactly what they want and even feeling justified doing it. That is, people who aren't exactly in touch with themselves. I know it sounds like a silly fairy-tale to keep one feeling happy and warm amidst the cold winds of the bleak world, but it is something I've learned over time through experience. I do believe we have a "conscience". I haven't always though like that either, on the contrary. It is a matter of belief at least for as long as one hasn't seen it in practice, but I believe that if one is completely honest with oneself, one is able to see the correct path whenever facing a choice. This sounds easy, and with practice the theory part indeed is - but the practice isn't, even with practice. This is why few can keep a very clean record when it comes to their conscience. The right choices often have a dramatic impact on one's life and certainly play with one's fears, making them the harder to pick the more serious matters they deal with.

And no, this does not mean that I believe in absolute right or wrong. I believe every situation is unique, and thus every rule and law is inherently bound to fail. Are the successes worth the occasional failures? It doesn't take a philosophy major to figure out situations that prove very difficult for absolute morality and logic to judge.

I don't believe there are many people who have nothing big wrong with them but who would still actively pursue activities such as murder and rape. It is a belief, but I bet you'll be hard pressed to find me an example of such a person. And I don't mean an honest, generally good person who's plotted a murder - I can imagine several scenarios where that would be the "right" thing to do, or at least understandable. But show me a killer rapist who was perfectly happy at the time of the crime, who does not exhibit symptoms of a plethora of other problems, and who wasn't a victim of unfortunate cruelties in his childhood (and who says we should take shit even after childhood? Adult people have feelings, too!). Also note, this does not mean me being against the death sentence, or other methods of punishment. Sometimes it is a greater crime to let a creature in pain live than to let it die and face whatever it is that awaits us beyond death's doorway. Sometimes.

The minds and motivations of people are never as simple as they seem. We are human, and as such prone to mistakes, some more serious than others.

Sadly this view does not provide a model for the coming of a perfect world without victims. Unless everyone started applying some honesty and awareness in their lives, powered with hope and caring for things that are "good". No absolute definitions needed.

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